회명 | 주소 | 전화번호 |
미국 동부 (워싱턴) (‘01.3.24) |
The U.S.A. Eastern Region Department of the Korean Veterans Association 808 Lynn Regis CT Fairfax, VA 22031 U.S.A. |
미국 북동부 (뉴욕) (‘05.5.12) |
The U.S.A. North Eastern Region Department of the Korean Veterans Association 58 Main st.#36 Little Ferry, NJ 07643 U.S.A. |
미국 북중부 (필라델피아) (’14. 5. 15) |
Korean Veterans Asso. Philadelphia Region 6748 N. 5 TH Street Philadelphia Pa. 19126 U.S.A. |
미국 중서부 (시카고) (‘84.8.25) |
Korean American Veterans Association - Midwestern Region 2815 Brookside Av Waukegan IL. 60085 USA |
미국 남부 (애틀랜타) (‘96.3.31) |
The Korean Veterans Association Southern Regional Chapter 3127 PITTARD HILL POINT DULUTH GA 30096 |
미국 중남부 (휴스턴) (‘13. 5. 23) |
The Korean Veterans Association of the South-Central Region, U.S.A 69 Cherry Hills Jersey Villge. TX 77064 U.S.A |
미국 북서부 (SF) (‘10.10.31) |
The Korean Veterans Association Northwestern Region in U.S.A. 890 Main St # 41, Santa Clara. CA 95050 USA |
미국 서부 (LA) (’78.6.15) |
TThe U.S.A. Western Region Department of the Korean Veterans Association 2222 Avenue of the stars, 2102 Los Angeles, CA 90067 U.S.A. |
미국 남서부 (오렌지카운티) (,14. 5. 19) |
The U.S.A Southwestern Region Department of the Korean veterans Association 9636 Garden Grove Blvd. #28 Garden Grovec Grove, CA 92844 |
캐나다 동부 (토론토) (‘87.1.24) |
The Canada Eastern Region Department of the Korean Veterans Association 308-185ShaughnessyBLVDTorontoon,M2J1K2CANADA. |
캐나다 서부 (밴쿠버) (‘97.10.21) |
The Korean Veterans Association Canada Western Chapter 5058 IRMIN st, Burnaby, B.C. Canada V5J1Y5 |
아르헨티나 (부에노스 아이레스) (‘90.5.15) |
The Argentina Department of the Korean Veterans Association rua ribeiro de lima 453, bloco d, sala 808, bom retiro, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
브 라 질 (상파울로) (‘10.10.26) |
The Brazil Department of the Korean Veterans Association rua ribeiro de lima 453, bloco d, sala 808, bom retiro, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
호 주 (시드니) (‘83.5.27) |
The Australia Division of the Korean Veterans Association 53 Delhi st LIDCOMBE N.S.W2141 |
뉴질랜드 (오클랜드) (‘11.4.28) |
일 본 (동경) (‘62.8.7) |
日本國 東京都 港區 南麻布 一丁目 七番 三十二号 韓國中央會館 九層 大韓民國 在鄕軍人會 日本支會 (郵便番號 106-0047) MINAMIGARASUYAMA 6-4-10, SETAGAYA-KU, TOKYO, Japan |
대 만 (타이페이) (‘82.10.9) |
The R.O.C. Department of the Korean Veterans Association 2F, NO262, Minzu Rd. Linkou Dist, New Taipei City, TAIWAN(R.O.K) 회장 : boim888@gmail.com |
필리핀지회 (마닐라) (‘11. 12. 1) |
The Philippines Department of the Korean Veterans Association UNIT 301 ORIENT MANSION, 118 TORDESILLAS STREET, SALCEDO VILLAGE MAKATI CITY, METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES 1227 |
태국지회 (방콕) (‘11. 12. 3) |
The Kingdom of Thailand Department of the Korean Veterans Association 2439 2nd FL soi pattanakarn 47 suanluang bangkok 10250 Thailand |
독 일 (퀠른) (‘10.10.23) |
The Germany Department of the Korean Veterans Association Delfter Str.4 50735 Koeln Germany |
영국지회 (런 던) (‘11.05.02) |
The United Kingdom Department of the Korean Veterans Association Korean Community Centre Unit 9, Four Seasons Crescent, Kimpton Road, Sutton, Surrey, UK. SM3 9QR. |
프랑스지회 (파리) (‘11.05.06) |
Le Bureau en France de l'Association des Vétérans Coréens 16 rue de L'assamption 75016 PARIS - FRANCE |
미국알래스카 (미북서부지 회의 분회) |
108 E 45th Ave Anchorage. AK 99503 |